In Memory of



Obituary for Zeheng Tian

Zeheng Tian
June 10, 1931 – Apr 3, 2018

Zeheng Tian, a loving, highly intelligent inventor and dedicated husband and father passed away peacefully at the Peter Lougheed Hospital on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at age of 87. He waged an extraordinary, miraculous 4-year battle with liver cancer using his own creative Chinese Traditional Medicine.

He will be lovingly remembered for his kindness and caring nature, and sadly missed by his daughter Helen (Wilson); son Naxin; and his beloved grandchildren Xiao, Richard, Sharine, Samantha, Yuhao, and Satine; and his sister Zefang. Zeheng was predeceased by his loving wife Jizhen, parents, brothers, sister, and his middle daughter Lixin.

Zeheng was born in Laishui, Hebei province, China in a family of seven. He was always proud of his talent in electrical and mechanical inventions, which helped several Chinese manufactures thrive. His patented products have generated good fortune for many entrepreneurs. Furthermore, Zeheng enjoyed a fulfilling 30-year career as an Educator in the Department of Physics at Henan Normal University, with countless successful students. Zeheng was very fond of Chinese Peking Opera and enjoyed singing. He loved living in Canada for the past 13 years with his oldest daughter’s family, after his loving wife passed away in China in 2004.

Funeral Service will be held at Choice Memorial (105-4715 13 Street NE, Calgary) on Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 2 p.m. with Consolation Reception at Caltons Chinese Restaurant (#14, 5010-4 Street NE) around 3:30 p.m.
To view and share photos, condolences and stories of Zeheng, please visit


河南师范大学电子与电气工程学院退休教师田泽恒同志于加拿大卡尔加里时间2018年4月3日12:20(北京时间2018年4月4 日2:20)因病医治无效在加拿大卡尔加里去世,享年87岁。

田泽恒同志1931年6月10日出生于河北省涞水县,1955年5 月加入中国共产党。1951年7月于公营首都建筑公司参加革命工作;先后在首都建筇公司、中央工程公司和新乡师范学院(现河南师范大学)工作;1952年8月至1955年8月在清华大学工农 中学学习,1955年8月至1959年7月在新乡师范学院学习;1959 年7月开始在新乡师范学院物理系任教并担任无线电教研室副主任,1987年3月离职休养。

田泽恒同志是一位辛勤工作三十载的优秀教师,具有严谨的作风和高尚的师德。田泽恒同志在河南师范大学工作期间 勤奋工作,团结同志,宽厚待人,严于律己,赢得了单位领导和群众的广泛赞誉。田泽恒同志在家庭生活中,夫妻和睦,重视子女教育,将孩子培育成了国家建设的栋梁之材。

田泽恒同志的一生,是默默无闻、任劳任怨的一生。无论 在公司还是在大学,他总是起早贪黑、兢兢业业、埋头苦干 毫无怨言,他干一行,爱一行,精一行。在他的身上始终闪耀着一种立足岗位,默默奉献的敬业精神。

